Metal Bonding
Many metal or plastic bonding designs are used in the the harsh environment. GPower is the qualified suppler to the Power Plant company to water/air pump makers, even the phone case desiners. With sufficient facility and rich technology in the process, smile of satisfaction is always shown in our customer.
橡膠與金屬或塑膠等之異料結合, 除橡膠原料配方與成型條件之嚴格控制外, 橡膠結合之對手件的表面處理, 橡膠介面結合劑的選擇, 模具的設計, 在在影響橡膠成品之結合成果, 鈞寶橡膠對於橡膠異料成型有著多年的豐富經驗, 定能在最短時間滿足客戶的需求。